Plight in the Snow

A snowy day like today reminds of one year ago, I believe it was on December 31, 2022, when we were dumped on with 2 feet of snow. Even though I had to drive about 15 mph on the snow-coverd highway, I felt lucky just to get home safely and not get stuck. My driveway was completely covered with snow when I got home at about midnight, and I had to ram my truck into the driveway. It was stuck good, but at least it was off of the road and I could deal with it the next day. I was looking forward to the task of shoveling the driveway, being in the crisp clean snow, the quietness of the snow covered clear morning, and working up a sweat. Our rural neighborhood roads are not plowed by the city, instead, men in the neighborhood with tractors band together, and plow the roads for the neighborhood. It is really nice. They were still working on the roads and hadn't gotten to...